Sunday, April 10, 2016

9am Unprogrammed Worship, Gathering Room

10am Small Groups

Godly Play: 3-9 years old Room 205

Faith Seekers:10 and up, Room 208

Adult QuakerSpeak:  Join the 10:00 am QuakerSpeak class to Learn about Quaker House of Fayetteville, a peace witness next to Fort Bragg, which will be hiring a new executive director in 2017. Help plan Quaker House’s future!

Childcare available in the nursery for those 3 and under.

11am Sara Beth Terrell will offer the morning message and Brad McHargue will join her on Facing Bench.

12:10 pm Monthly Meeting, All Welcome!

3:00 pm Quarterly Meeting at Forsyth Friends Eden Grace from FUM will talk with us about her travels to Ramallah and Africa. Do help spread the word and we will also spend a bit of time talking about the future of NCYM. Light refreshments will be served.

To read the upcoming bulletin, click here:Bulletin April 10
